How Can I Assign Housekeepers to My Properties?


You can assign different housekeepers to different properties. Please ask them to install the application on their mobile phones so that they can get the notifications. They can see the bookings on too.

Step 1: To create the housekeeper’s profile, click on Settings sign and select Staff Management. On the Staff dashboard, click on Create a New Staff.(For further instructions, you can go to this page)

NOTE: Make sure you have selected the availability of the housekeeper by enabling Automate Task Allocation. . Otherwise, the system assumes that the housekeeper is not available and no tasks will be assigned to him/her automatically.

In the view mode of Housekeeper’s Profile, on the Listing Access card, turn on the toggle of Role Access. A drawer opens in which you can select the property.

Step 2: Assign the housekeeper to the property. To do so, go to your listing->Operations tab-> Staff card and click on Add Staff. On the open drawer, select the staff from dropdown menu or click on +New Staff. Finally, click on Add.

Note 1: The server begins to assign housekeeping tasks automatically 30 days or less before their start date.
Note 2: When tasks are assigned to the cleaners, they can see them on their app.
Note 3: The Can Start From task is set based on the last check-out time or the default check-out time of that day and Must Finish By task is determined by the next check-in time minus Average Housekeeping Time set in Unit Type.

How to add a Housekeeping Team:

The tasks are assigned to the members of a team equally based on their availability.

Step 1: Go to Staff dashboard, click on More and select Create a Team. For example, Housekeeping Team.

Step 2:  To add the member of the team, click on Add Members. Then, a drawer opens in which you can select members from the drop-down menu or click on + New Staff.

Step 3: Add the listing to the team by clicking on the three dots to Edit. In the open drawer, select your desired listing(s) from the drop-down menu.

Note that you can also go to the Listings -> Operations tab -> Staff card and click on Add Staff and select your Housekeeper Team.

How to add a Company as a housekeeper:

If you add a company as the housekeeper, the tasks are assigned to it regardless of availability.

Step 1: Go to Contacts->Companies and create a new company.

Step 2: To add the manager or the contact person click on the plus and complete her/his profile in the popped-up window. Don’t forget to save the company!

Step 3: Go to Listings->Properties and open the property.

Step 4: Go to the Housekeeper section and click on Add Housekeeper.

Step 5: Select Company and in the dropdown select the company that cleans the property.

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