Listings Landing Page Structure

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On the Listings Landing Page, you can click on the Listings arrow to select Listings or Archived Listings. When you click on the Listings, you can view :


There is a panel of Overview, including the number of Countries and Cities in which you have properties. The Overview also shows the number of your active Properties, Unit Types, and Units.

Active & Inactive

Each property is shown in the form of a card with all the information, including the internal name, the number of active units, its address, and the status of units daily. If you click on a card, you will be redirected to its property page.

Note 1: You can go to the Listings page on your Zeevou direct booking website by clicking on the chain icon.

Note 2: The Active are the properties which are imported and created completely, but the Drafts are the ones which are just imported and are not completely created.

Note 3: The Owner Portal will only display the property if the property is Active or Published.

If you click on Show Inactive, it gets green and shows you all the inactive units with their address and required licences. If you click anywhere on a card, you will be redirected to its property page.


If you click on the Search icon next to the Show Inactive tab, a tab opens in which you can type for search.

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