Access Level: While a Financial Office Staff has access to all the accounting and MPRs, a No Finance Office Staff does not have access to the accounting and MPRs.
There are other areas to which a No Finance Office Staff has no access, such as:
Invoices in a Booking
Refund in a Booking
Finalisation in Booking Status
Although No Finance Office Staff can set checked out in a Booking Status, they cannot finalise that Booking.
Manual Payment Button
No Finance Office Staff can only log a payment in a Booking whose status becomes Pending . To do so, go to Finance tab and click on More. Then, select Log Payment. on the open drawer, you can enter the Amount and select the Payment Type. Finally, click on Log.
No Finance Office Staff can only View, Edit, or Void the payments which are on Pending by clicking on the three dots on the right.
By clicking on the Edit button, the Update Log Payment window will pop up, and you can make changes. Finally, click on Log.
Security Deposits Charges and Captures:
The same process and rules apply for logging and editing the Security Deposits:
Note: The Pending status made by No Finance Office Staff would be as below.
Financial Office Staff can not only View, Edit, or Void a Payment, but also confirm a Pending Booking by clicking on the three dots on the right:
When Confirm is clicked, a pop-up window opens like the one below:
If Confirm is clicked, the payment is confirmed and the status changes to Ok.
Security Deposits
The same process and rules apply for confirming and editing the Security Deposits: