What are Booking Payment Statuses?


There are various payment statuses shown on the Booking page under Overview / and Payments tab:

  1. Paid: When the payment is paid completely in Host Collect or Channel Collect Bookings.

  2. Partially Paid: When part of the payment is paid in Host Collect or Channel Collect Bookings.

  3. Unpaid: When the booking is not paid.

  4. Overpaid: When the payment amount is more than the Booking Total Price.

  5. Not Applicable: When Total Price is zero and you have a free booking.

  6. Credit: This status is for bookings, for which the channels are going to handle the payment. There are some situations for Credit. First, if you have not received Virtual Credit Card (VCC) details from the Channel, Channel Collect is shown under Finance Tab, on Price card for Collection Type. You can click on More and select VCC Payment.

Then, a drawer opens in which you can insert VCC details and click on Submit.

Second, when you receive the VCC cards, it will show OTA Credit as Payment Type and the VCC will be charged according to the Activation Date.

Finally, after charging the VCC, the Payment Type will be changed from OTA Credit to Credit Card and the Booking Payment Status from Credit to Paid.

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