To do so, log into and go to Listings. On the Listings Dashboard, click on the More arrow and select Set Listings defaults. Then, you will be redirected to the Settings page. On the Check-in & Check-out time card, you can manage options for check-ins and check-outs by clicking on the pencil and setting your desired time. You can also turn on or off the toggles of Charge for Extra Early or Late Check-in or Check-outs. So, when the guests select their desired Check-in and Check-out times in the Booking Confirmation Process, they will be able to see the fees for paid time slots and select them.
To prevent Early Check-in or Late Check-out, you can click on the pencil in front of the toggle of Charge Extra for Early Check-in or Late Check-outs. Then, a drawer opens in which you can turn on the toggle of Prevent Early Check-in and click on Save. This setting will completely stop guests from being able to book an Early Check-in or a Late Check-out if you have a departure and same-day arrival at any given unit.
Note: The average housekeeping time specified is taken into account by default to ensure there is sufficient time allocated for a turn-over and the times guests can select are restricted.
However, you can override the default in the Property level. To do so, navigate to Listings, Property level, under Policies tab, on the Check-in & Check-out time card and click on the pencil to edit.