How Can I Add Cleaning Fee Expense to My Profit Report Automatically?


If you want your cleaning fee expense (from direct bookings or channel bookings) to be reflected in your monthly report, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to Listings -> Unit Type -> Pricing & Availability -> Rate Plan Card.

Step 2: Click on View/Edit Details.

Step 3: Click on Add Fee. Then a drawer opens in which you can select Cleaning Fee from the drop-down menu. Finally, click on Add.

Step 4: Make sure that the fee has been added to ALL Rate Plans in the Unit Types (Channels and Direct Booking Website) and the Sales Price and the Purchase Price (expense) are correct.

Note: We keep the Sales Price for the bookings that come from the website, but we override it with the cleaning fee for the bookings that come from channels. For example, if you have set the Sales Price at $30 but you charge $40 for housekeeping in Airbnb when a booking comes from Airbnb, we log $40 as the Cleaning Fee sales price.

In the past, if you wanted to add a per-booking fee such as a cleaning fee to your rate plan, you had to create two rate plans, one for the website and one for the channel.

But now one rate plan is enough (even with the fee). It can be connected to the channels and the website at the same time. We send the rate only to the website. To have a more accurate profit report, we override the sales price with what we receive from the channels.

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