How do Risk-Free Reservations work?


When we receive a Risk-Free Reservation from, we set the Payment Collection Type to Risk-Free.

If the guest stays or the Risk-Free policy expires, will charge the guest if it is a Channel Collect booking, and we will display this accordingly. However, if indicates to us at this stage that it is a Host Collect booking, the payment status will change to Unpaid and the guest can pay through the payment link.

If you want Zeevou to send a reminder to your guests to pay you via the link, you should activate the Risk-Free Booking Payment Notification trigger rule on the Trigger Rule page.

NOTE: You can check the cancellation policy of a risk-free booking on the Reservations page in the extranet. Click on the booking number of the risk-free booking you’re interested in, then scroll down to the Policies section.

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