What are the Statuses of Security Deposit in Zeevou


There are ten statuses for security deposits: 1. Not-Authorised, 2. Awaiting authorised, 3. Not authorised (saved card), 4. Partially Authorised, 5. Authorised 6. Guaranteed by Channel 7. Charged&Released 8. Charged 9. Released 10. Not Applicable

  1. Not-Authorised is shown when the deposit has not been authorised. Guests may not have attempted to authorise the deposit or their attempts have not been successful.

  2. Awaiting authorised 

  3. Not-Authorised (Saved Card): Saved Card means the system has the Guest's card details and will block or charge the deposit amount based on the deposit timeline. The Guests can use the same card details they used or enter them just to be used for later payment for deposits. Their card details will be saved in the system and the deposit will be authorised on the specified date. The point is that the Saved Card does not necessarily mean Pre-authorised because maybe the card amount is not enough for payment.

  4. Partially Authorised is shown when a part of the security deposit is logged.

  5. Authorised is shown when the deposit is authorised. This step will be done based on the details you have set in Listings -> Set Listing Defaults -> Security Deposit Timeline. Please note that in setting your preferred details in Listing Defaults, based on the payment gateway you are using, there may be some default settings for automatically releasing the deposit. For example, Stripe deposits are automatically released after 7 days. Thus, if you set the Pre- Authorisation Point on the booking date, depending on the interval between Pre-Authorisation and guest arrival, you may have authorised or released deposits when guests arrive.

  6. Guaranteed by Channel is shown when the booking is from the Airbnb channel, and guests do not need to authorise any deposit in Zeevou as it is guaranteed by the channel.

  7. Charged&Released is shown when you capture a part of the guest’s deposit.

  8. Charged is shown when you capture all of the guest’s deposit amount. You can capture the deposit in the booking view page through the Finance button.

  9. Released is shown when you do not capture all or part of the deposit, and it is returned to the guest’s account. The security deposit is released based on your preferences in Listings -> Set Listing Defaults -> Security Deposit Timeline.

  10. Not Applicable is shown when the required security deposit amount is zero.

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