How do automated security deposits in Zeevou work?


If a channel collects security deposits or provides a guarantee for them, the bookings coming from that channel will automatically be marked as “Yes” under Security Deposit in Today’s Check-ins and will show as “Channel” in Booking View. If this is not the case, and if your payment gateway has been set up, the guest will be asked for a security deposit as part of the Online Check-in Steps.

  1. If Zeevou processed the payment, and the guest asks to use the same card as they paid with for the security deposit pre-authorisation, Zeevou will attempt to pre-authorise the funds from the guest the day before arrival. Should this fail, the guest will be sent a follow-up link where they can re-enter the same card details or new ones.

  2. If Zeevou did not process the payment (i.e. the booking was Channel Collect), or if the guest asks to use a different card from the payment card in the Online Check-in Process, then the day before arrival they will be asked to enter their card details for the security deposit to be pre-authorised

Once a security deposit has been successfully pre-authorised through Zeevou, the Security Deposit field will get toggled to “Yes” in Today’s Check-ins, and it will be displayed in Booking View under Security Deposits. If there are failed attempts, these will also show there. If a security deposit is paid to you directly outside of Zeevou, you can log this in the Booking View by clicking on Finance -> Log Security Deposit.

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