An iCal link is a URL that allows you to import and synchronise calendar events such as bookings between apps. If you want to export or copy your unit or unit type's iCal and paste it into another channel or calendar, you can copy the iCal link from either a Unit Type or a specific unit. If you don't have many units under a unit type, you can copy the iCal link of the unit type. To do so,
Click on Listings.
Click on the Unit Type you want to export the availability for.
Under the Pricing & Availability Tab, select your desired iCal Link from Bookings event or Bookings & Blocked Dates& Stopsells event.
Click on the Copy ical link.
Paste the copied link in the channel you want to export the availability to.
For a specific unit:
Click on Listings and then click on Units.
Click on the Unit you want to export the availability for.
Under the Pricing & Availability Tab, select your desired iCal Link from Bookings event or Bookings & Blocked Dates& Stopsells event.
Click on the Copy ical link.
Paste the copied link in the channel you want to export the availability to.
Note 1: If you use the ical of the unit type, it blocks all the bookings of all the units under a unit type. While, the unit ical blocks just the bookings of that specified unit. For example, if you have one listing on Airbnb with several units under that, you should use the unit type.
Note 2: Paste the copied link into the OTA/listing site/Google Calendar that you are trying to export the events too.
Instructions for VRBO: