How do payment states differ ?

This article would help you if your plan is: Glow / Blaze

Payment states represent the current status of a payment, providing specific stages or outcomes of the payment process. By knowing these payment states and their differences, you can streamline payment management, enhance customer support, and ensure a smoother financial workflow.

To view these states, you can navigate to Finance ->Payment dashboard and click on filter icon. On the open drawer, select your desired state from the drop down menu of the Payment state.

  • Completed: The payment has been successfully processed and is finalized.

  • Pending Approval: The payment is awaiting verification or confirmation from a relevant party, such as a manager or an automated system.

  • Not Auth (Not Authorized): The payment attempt was made, but it was not authorized by the payment gateway or the payer's bank.

  • Rejected: The payment was actively declined by the payment processor or due to validation failures.

  • Malformed: The payment request was improperly formatted, causing it to fail.

  • Invalid: The payment details provided were incorrect or incomplete, resulting in an invalid transaction.

  • Erro: The payment failed due to an unexpected error, such as a technical issue with the payment gateway.

  • 3D Auth (3D Authentication): The payment is pending additional verification via 3D Secure authentication, such as a one-time password or challenge response.

  • Void: The payment has been canceled and is no longer valid.

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