List Import

This article would help you if your plan is: Glow / Blaze

List Import options let you import an excel file to your account, and the system will create single unit properties based on the details you have inserted in the file.

Step 1: Download a copy of the List Import Template from here.

Step 2: Use the dropdown option of the template to fill all the fields for each property.

NOTE: Only WIFI Name and WIFI Password can be left empty.

Step 3: After inserting all details in the template file, click on the File -> Save As option and select CSV format.

Note: Please make sure you have not set any signs or symbols other than alphabetic characters and numbers for the name fields.

Step 4: In Listings-> Properties -> Bulk Import Listings, click on the Import File button.

Step 5: In the opened popup, click on Choose button, find the prepared file and click on the Submit button.

Step 6: After you import the file, the system will validate data and send an email to the username address you have logged in with.

NOTE: If the system faces any errors, you will be informed in the email. Then, you can fix the error and retry to import the file.

NOTE: The rate plan of a Unit Type, created through List Import, will be Nightly and applied only to the Website Booking Engine and Manual bookings by default. You can, later on, change it to apply to the channels too.

NOTE: The Unit of the Property, created through List Import, will be inactive by default. You need to manually Activate it.

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