Managing Payment Terms in Zeevou

Managing Payment Terms in Zeevou

As a host, you can implement a comprehensive instalment management system that offers clear visibility into payment schedules, flexible payment options, and efficient payment processing. To achieve this, you need to set conditions for the payment of bookings that are created, added, or edited by allocating instalments to them after creating a Payment Term. You can then manage these Payment Terms by editing the terms as needed.

How to Create a Payment Term

  1. Log into your Zeevou account

  2. Navigate to Finance, then Payment Term in the main menu.

  3. Click on Create a Payment Term in the top right corner.

  4. On the General Info card:

    • Enter the Name.

    • Select the Instalment Type (Weekly,Monthly, or Custom) and Instalment Payment Method.

  5. On the Instalment card:

    • Select the Calculation Method (Percentage, Fixed Amount, or Booking Amount).

    • Enter the Amount, Invoice Date, and Payment Due Date.

    • Use the + Add or Remove Instalment options to adjust the number of instalments as needed, keeping in mind the following:

      • If the Total Due from the guest is less than the specified instalment amount, the instalment will be limited to the Total Due.

      • If the sum of all instalments is less than the Total Due, the remaining balance will be added to the final instalment.

  6. On the Conditions card, select the conditions you wish to apply by enabling toggles such as Lead Time, Number of Nights, and Channel.

  7. On the Apply To card, select the relevant Rate Plans based on the Calculation Method:

    • If the method is Percentage, you can apply it to all rate plans.

    • If the method is Fixed Amount, you can only select rate plans with the same currency.

    • Note 1: The displayed rate plans are filtered to exclude those already assigned to an existing Payment Term.

    • Note 2: When rebooking a cancelled booking, retain the last modification's installment details

Payment Term Dashboard

  1. Use the arrow next to Payment Terms to toggle between Payment Terms and Archived Payment Terms.

  2. On the Payment Term Dashboard, you can:

    • View all Payment Terms and search by Name or Instalment Type.

    • Click the filter icon to search by specific Rate Plan in Applied To or Instalment Type.

    • Use the three dots under Actions for each Payment Term to View/Edit or Delete it.T


  • View/Edit:

    • Clicking View/Edit redirects you to the Payment Term page for modifications.

    • On the General Info card, you can edit the Name and Payment Method by clicking the pen icon.

    • On the Instalment card, you can edit the Amount, Invoice Date, and Payment Due Date.

    • On the Condition card, you can edit the Lead Time, Number of Nights, and Channel.

    • On the Allocation card, you can modify assigned Rate Plans.

  • Delete:

    • Clicking Delete opens a confirmation window with two possible warnings:

      1. If the Payment Term is applied to live bookings, it will be archived instead of deleted. Archiving removes the Payment Term from all associated rate plans but preserves it for the affected bookings.

      2. If the Payment Term is linked to historical bookings, it will also be archived. This action removes it from all applied rate plans.

Archived Payment Terms Dashboard

  • In the Archived Payment Terms Dashboard, you can:

    • View archived Payment Terms.

Use the three dots next to each term to View or Unarchive it. Note that you can not edit the archived payment term unless you Unarchive it first.

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