How can I receive minimum age warning?

This article would help you if your plan is: Glow / Blaze

You can specify the minimum age required for Lead guests to book and  stay at a property; so, if they don’t meet the minimum age requirement, the system will show a warning to you. You can set an overall default setting for this at the organisational level, to be overridden at the Property level. To do so, log into and click on the gear icon and select Settings. Then, On the House Rules card, you can turn on the toggle of Mid Age of Lead Guest.

 On the House Rules card, you can turn on the toggle of Mid Age of Lead Guest - Zeevou

This minimum age setting can be edited in any specific property . To do so, go to your desired Property-> Policies tab-> Houes Rules card and click on the pencil of Min Age of Lead Guest.Then, set a new number for age. Finally, Save.

Note: If you want the Date of Birth field to be one of the fields to appear in the Booking confirmation process form, you can do so by clickong on the gear icon and select Confirmation Process.

 You should turn on the toggle for Date of Birth and make it Mandatory for Person Booking or/and Lead Guest.

This warning will also appear in All Bookings column.

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