Create a Blocked Date & View Blocked Date List

This article would help you if your plan is: Spark / Glow / Blaze

A blocked date can be used to limit your availability for a specific unit and prevent the unit from being booked. Managing blocked dates within a booking system allows users to optimise their calendar and ensure efficient use of their property resources by viewing, filtering, and creating blocked dates.

Viewing Blocked Dates

  1. Log into your Zeevou account

  2. Navigate to Calendar on the main menu.

  3. Click on Calendar Toolbox in the top right corner and select View Blocked Date List. By default, you'll see all active blocked dates listed.

  4. To customise the list, use the filter options:

    • Block Type

    • From (Start Date)

    • To (End Date)

    • Property

    • Unit

    • Created At

Creating a Blocked Date 

  1. Click on Create a Blocked Date in the top right corner.

  2. Fill in the necessary information in the open drawer.

  3. Click on Create.

Managing Blocked Dates

  • Click on the three dots under the Action column to View, Edit, or Remove the blocked date.

Note: Blocked dates imported from iCal can only be viewed and removed, not edited.

Viewing Removed Blocked Dates

  • On the Blocked Dates dashboard, switch to the Removed tab to see removed blocked dates.

Note: You can only view, not edit, the blocked dates in this tab.

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